Epiphone electric guitars
have provided high quality instruments for guitarists of all experience levels. Not only do they
provide affordable, high quality Gibson designed and authorized versions of popular Gibson guitar models but also
provide many high quality models of their own.
If you have spent any time on this site, you know that I like to provide as much history related to a guitar manufacturer's history as well as the history of their individual models as I can. Personally, I think that learning the back story of how things came about and how they became what they are today is fascinating. However, the Epiphone electric guitar line-up is so extensive that it would probably take me months to try to do that with Epiphone. Epiphone classes their models by what they refer to as collections - based sometimes on a body style such as archtop, sometimes on a model such as the Les Paul or SG, sometimes on specialty models, etc. Since this site's musical focus is mainly Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, I'm going to try to focus on the collections that fit that and give you links to the various models in the collections. In the interest of full disclosure I want you to know that these links will take you to affiliate links, so if you see a guitar you like and decide to purchase it, I stand to make a commission on your purchase. Anyway - here we go.
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